Sunday, September 9, 2012

Reflective Journal Chap. 1, 2 & 3

September 9, 2012

In chapters one through three we read about an overall sociological view of social problems, physical and mental health and health care, and alcohol and other drugs. These chapters were to help us better understand these specific issues from a sociological perspective. I really found the chapter regarding alcohol and drug use to be the most interesting probably do to the fact that I am trying to get my degree emphasis in chemical addictions treatment. I also found out a few new things in the chapter that discussed health, one being that in the United States, 54% of those with HIV are from male to male sexual contact. To me this seems like an absurdly high amount when there is a pretty simple solution, like wearing condoms. One thing I thought should have been covered more in chapter three was personal stories or examples of what was being discussed. Like in chapter two, there was an example of a young boy who had gotten hurt and how health care played a role in his recovery. Another part of the reading that I found interesting was the part that discussed mental illness, like chemical addictions, this is another part I am studying in school and find to be fascinating, that a person can be fine one day and the next day come up with having a mental illness, whether it be depression or schizophrenia. Overall I liked chapters two and three more then chapter one, which discussed more of the theories and views of sociology on social problems, where as the other chapter discussed the social problem more in depth. Much of this information isn’t new to me, I have dealt with drug and alcohol addiction along with mental health issues since I was young, but by reading more about each topic it has allowed me to broaden my personal view on the topic. Much of what the chapters cover I agree with, the only part I disagree with is the theory that marijuana is a gateway drug, but only because in my experience it doesn’t seem to work that way, and that some people are just more prone to drug use then others. 

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